European Athletics Coaches Association
By Coaches, For Coaches
The first edition of the EACA Coach Superstar and EACA Coach Rising Star AWARD is closed!It was very fun and engaging, also for us to see your preference. A special
The first edition of the EACA Coach Superstar and EACA Coach Rising Star AWARD is closed!It was very fun and engaging, also for us to see your preference. A special
First, I wish you, your family, athletes, and friends a happy, healthy, fulfilling and successful
Next. Thank you for helping make 2022 a fantastic year of growth for GACA. 1500
Membership is coming up!

Some exciting news
Hi everybody! The 2021 season is over but we’re sure you all still have in your eyes all the stunning performance of this year’s summer.

Frank Dick will interview the legendary coach Ans Botha
EACA is pleased to announce that our very own President Frank Dick will be hosting an interview with the legend that is Ans Botha on

Coaches Clubs, again!
Virtual Coaches Clubs, again! The European Athletics Coaches Association, following the success of its Tokyo Coaches Club during the Olympic Games, is pleased to announce

EACA Tokyo Coaches Club
European Athletics Coaches Association is pleased to announce the first Virtual Olympic Coaches Club. From 31st July to 8th August at 19.00 CEST, Jimson Lee will host

“Mindful Coaching” Series Episode 2 with Laurent Meuwly and Paolo Camossi
The brand new EACA series “Mindful Coaching” aims to cover the world of coaching at 360° by interviewing coaches with different skills and experiences, also

European Athletics High Performance Online Week
European Athletics is providing a special online event related to its High Performance Series next month: the High Performance Online Week. The event is “a