We’re excited to share with you that IFAC 24 is being organised and will take place from 1-3 November in Padua, Italy.

Title – Excellence Builds on Brilliant Basics

European Athletics Coaches Association and FIDAL – Federazione Italiana Di Atletica Leggera welcomes you to the International Festival of Athletics Coaching 2024. The coaching conference is presented in cooperation with the Corpo Libero at the Palaindoor di Padova. As with our previous successful running of this event in 2022 and 2023, the conference is part of the European Athletics Coaching Summit Series for 2024 and we look forward to meeting and uniting coaches from across Europe and beyond.

This year the title of the conference is Excellence Builds on Brilliant Basics and will specifically focus on:

  • Preparing for Los Angeles 2028 – Making the first year of Olympic cycle count.
  • Fundamentals First – Efficient and effective practice in developing young athletes.
  • Topics and talks will deal with a multitude of important aspects of science and practice relevant to becoming and being high performance coaches and all relating back to the theme – Excellence Builds on Brilliant Basics.
  • Sessions will include a mixture of lectures, interactive workshops, and practical demonstrations.

Coaches, scientists, and athletes (current and former) have been invited to present on the Friday and Sunday, which includes a Q&A session with a panel of current athletes. The Saturday is once more dedicated to a carousel of practical sessions covering all the disciplines within the sport of athletics. For the third year, this event is both onsite and online. The timetable will be announced in due course.

Conference timings:

  • Friday, 1st November: 13:15h – 21:00h
  • Saturday, 2nd November: 08:30h – 19:00h / Evening – A Dinner with the Coaches.
  • Sunday, 3rd November: 08:30h – 13:30h


Palaindoor di Padova, Viale Nereo Rocco, 35136 Padova PD, Italy.

The Programme, speakers and the information on how to register to be announced in due course.

About the author: Rebecca Hutchinson Verified icon 1 Verified icon 5 Verified icon 8
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  1. Caroline ciappara says:

    Interested..can I receive details pls

  2. Anthony Bonney Awotwi says:

    I am a Ghanaian and hold Bachelor of Science in sports coaching. I am a sports teacher in one of the international school in Ghana. I would like to be part in the conference. Please can you invite me.

  3. Excited to attend once again.

  4. Interessata…posso ricevere i dettagli per favore?

    1. Giacomo Galletto avatar Giacomo Galletto says:

      Ciao Nadia,

      La bozza del programma e la line-up (quasi) completa uscirà nei prossimi giorni sul sito e sui nostri canali social.

      A presto!

  5. Vincenzo Caruso avatar Vincenzo says:

    Ci sarò sicuro

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