European Athletics Coaches Association is pleased to announce the first Virtual Olympic Coaches Club.
From 31st July to 8th August at 19.00 CEST, Jimson Lee will host invited Panellists like Christine Harrison-Bloomfield, Rita Engelbrecht, Kelly Sotherton, Laura Turner, Dalton Grant, Danie Cornelius, Peter Eriksson, Martin Bingisser, Peter Stanley, Shaun Pickering, Wolfgang Ritzdorf, Anders Borgstrom, Frank Dick and many others, to analyze and discuss the day’s events with particular focus on European performance but also reflecting on the Global picture.
The event may be accessed by this link.
The event is free and open to everyone and on this inaugural occasion to coaches across Europe who wish to participate.
We truly hope you will put these dates and times in your diary. This is a fantastic opportunity for our coaches to learn together through the real time of the Olympic Experience.
We wish you the best for this Summer 2021!